Monday, April 7, 2008

More Power Line

While I'm complaining about Power Line, maybe conservatives could stop making weirdly false assertions about Democrats:

Current Democratic Party dogma holds that international trade is bad; or, at least, imports are bad.

Come on. At least try to approximate a plausible account of what a Democrat might believe. Sheesh.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Come on. At least try to approximate a plausible account of what a Democrat might believe. Sheesh.

    In their own defense, it's hard to fault the GOP for doing what works. It never fails to distress me how many people still blindly accept the "tax and spend" and "weak on defense" memes, but they do. Unfortunately, our political system, combined with the apathy and ignorance of large swaths of the population, makes simple labels stick.

    Just to be clear, I absolutely agree that the right's non-stop selling of The Big Lie is enraging. But it does behoove one to consider the amoral view of the situation. This is why I'm so happy to see the left finally starting to stick to things like "McCain wants 100 years of war." Sometimes, we have to fight fire with fire.
